Crust Network & Decentralized Storage

DStorage is one of the vital components of Web3, as it ensures data safety, integrity and immutability while reducing the amount of arbitrary data on blockchains.

Published in
3 min readOct 19, 2022


Crust Network provides a unique decentralized storage (dStorage) service for Web3 users. Its vital role in the ecosystem makes Crust one of the parachains that will be integrated into the upcoming Apillon platform for seamless plug-and-play use in users’ Web3 projects.

Data Storage in Web2

Each day, an indescribable amount of data is produced. As we store everything on our phones, hard drives, and cloud services, we rarely think about where our data ends up and who has access to it. All current Web2 solutions equal centralized storage that comes with fundamental vulnerabilities.

In reality, storage providers deal with data breaches daily and are no strangers to data outages, data manipulation, and censorship. In addition, users sharing their data with a third-party storage provider lose ownership of their data.

Web3 will do you one better

What if data could be encrypted and stored in a decentralized way offering nearly bullet-proof safety, integrity, access, and immutability? One of the revolutionizers of the way online data is stored is Crust Network, designed to build and sustain a decentralized cloud ecosystem that values data privacy and ownership.

Blockchains were originally not designed to store large amounts of data because of the high costs and long transaction processing times. However, Crust’s decentralized data storage can do so by distributing files among several network nodes, provided by the IPFS protocol. Consequently, centralized third-party storages become redundant in the process. Every user is in possession and management of their instantly accessible online data.

You can use it, too

With Apillon’s new Web3 development platform, using dStorage will soon become instantly and simply available without the need for advanced Web3 building knowledge. You’ll be able to use it in building all kinds of Web3 projects, from NFT platforms to decentralized social platforms or other universal operations that involve a large amount of data.

Let’s say you’ve built a decentralized website and it’s ready for deployment. To properly deploy its front-end, meaning videos, graphics and other files, Crust can provide you with decentralized hosting on a web service that you can directly access. In case you are playing with more complexity like using blockchain or smart contracts as a back-end, that makes the website fully decentralized, secure and much more reliable compared to centrally deployed projects.

About Crust

Crust Network is a versatile, purpose-built storage blockchain that delivers truly decentralized file storage and hosting capabilities for the entire Web3 ecosystem, empowering privacy and data ownership. Crust Network enables dApp hosting, NFT metadata storage and encrypted file storage across a wide range of blockchains.

This article is a part of a Web3 Untangled series that aims to demonstrate the role of Polkadot parachains in the real economy and to bring blockchain technology to simpler terms for stronger adoption among Web3 builders.

⧓ About Apillon

The Apillon platform serves as a unified gateway to the Web3 services provided by linked Polkadot parachains. Following the multi-chain vision, Apillon powers the transition of developers to Web3, simplifying its adoption in the real economy, and expanding its versatility as the ecosystem grows. With Apillon, Web3 services are within reach for every developer, regardless of their background and experience with blockchain technology.

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Apillon Web3 development platform eases the development of advanced Web3 apps by connecting parachain services through APIs and bypassing blockchain complexity.